Horse Clinics and Services
Your horsemanship journey is unique, and Josh wants to ensure that you find the path that will take you and your horse exactly where you want to go.
We therefore offer a wide variety of clinics and programs designed to help you refine and achieve your horsemanship goals. Whether you are a trail rider or an Olympic competitor, a Classical Dressage devotee or a Working Cow Horse enthusiast, Josh can help you reach new heights of connection, understanding, and performance. We invite you to join us and explore the possibilities, whether that is through our online webinars and forums or our live clinics, mentorships, and practicums. Take a look around and find the fit that is right for you.
Relational Horsemanship Foundations: Seven people, individual sessions. Choose this clinic if you are just starting out with Josh or simply prefer the focus that one-on-one lessons provide. Learning will develop your understanding of key Relational Horsemanship principles to get you and your horse on the best possible track.
Relational Horsemanship Practicum: Nine people, individual sessions on day 1, groups of three on days 2 & 3. This clinic mixes individual sessions with group learning that allows you to work with Josh twice a day, while having time in between to try things out for yourself. Perfect for those who have worked with Josh before and want to advance their Relational Horsemanship skills.
This online opportunity is a great way to kickstart your learning and get personalized help from Josh. Our online virtual clinics include 3 (45 minute) online lessons with Josh, spread over the period of 3 weeks. Included in the package is a two month subscription to our Relational Horsemanship Master Course! The spacing of these lessons allows you to take what you’re learning in the online clinic, try it with your horse and come back with thoughts, ideas and questions! Our goal is to empower your learning and help you work towards your dreams.
Day work is a more demanding format. In this setting three people work with Josh all day with their horses for four days. This is a much more intense space and the demands are higher. Time is spent in the arena, on the trail or out working with cattle. The value is high and the results are obvious. Focus is placed on developing skills and testing them. Any gaps in horsemanship are discovered and focus is placed on developing the personal skills to develop a deeper connection with our horses.