Welcome to Your Virtual Clinic Auditing Experience!
Have you been wanting to audit a clinic with Josh but there aren’t any clinics near you?
With our virtual auditing experience you can join from anywhere in the world! Josh will be virtually coaching 7 students in Ontario, Canada, over the course of a four day clinic. As an auditor you get to watch and listen to Josh working with students in real time! At the end of each day, Josh will host a Q&A for any questions that you have after watching that day’s lessons. Virtual auditors can join in for all four days or pick specific days of the clinic that work best for them. If you’re new to Relational Horsemanship, this is a great chance to learn more about the foundations and principles of Josh’s work all from the comfort of your own home!
We kindly remind you that recording of sessions is prohibited, so make sure to take notes as you go!
This virtual clinic runs from May 8-11, 2023.
Each day runs from 9am-5:30pm EST.
Buy individual days for $25 CAD each or buy our four day bundle for $75 CAD and get $25 off!